Strawberry Muesli Smoothie

Strawberry Muesli Smoothie

Strawberry Muesli Smoothie Pasta Salad Baking Sweet Search for: Beef Chicken Lamb Pork Ingredients Serves 2 200g strawberries 1/4 cup plain yoghurt 1 Tbs chopped fresh ginger 1/4 cup muesli 1 glass berry juice 1 cup crushed ice Honey to taste Instructions Combine all...
Strawberry & Mint G&T

Strawberry & Mint G&T

Strawberry & Mint G & T Salad Sweet Baking Pasta Search for: Beef Chicken Lamb Pork Ingredients Makes 1 2 strawberries, hulled and quartered 4 mint leaves 25ml simple syrup ** 25ml gin 125ml India Tonic Ice Instructions Place the strawberries into a serving...
Blueberry Granola Smoothie

Blueberry Granola Smoothie

Blueberry Granola Smoothie Pasta Salad Baking Sweet Search for: Beef Chicken Lamb Pork Ingredients Serves 2 2 cups frozen blueberries 1 cup plain yoghurt 1 tsp freshly grated ginger 4 Tbs Granola Muesli ½ cup milk/berry juice Honey to taste (Optional) Instructions...
Blueberry Recovery Smoothie

Blueberry Recovery Smoothie

Blueberry Recovery Smoothie Beef Chicken Pork Lamb Search for: Salad Pasta Baking Sweet Ingredients 1.5 cups frozen blueberries 1/2 cup frozen spinach 2 Tbs pea protein powder 2 cups almond milk 2 Tbs raw oats Honey to taste Instructions Blend until smooth (add a...
Immune boosting smoothie & Wheatgrass shot

Immune boosting smoothie & Wheatgrass shot

Immune boosting smoothie & Wheatgrass shot Beef Lamb Chicken Pork Search for: Pasta Salad Baking Sweet Ingredients 1 orange 1 grapefruit 1 Naartjie Juice of a lemon 1cm fresh ginger 1cm fresh turmeric Instructions Add all ingredients into a blender and blend. For...
Citrus Wine Spritzer

Citrus Wine Spritzer

Citrus Wine Spritzer Pasta Salad Baking Sweet Search for: Beef Chicken Lamb Pork Ingredients Serves 4-6 4 naartjies, juiced 1 grapefruit, juiced 2 oranges, juiced 4 Tbs Huletts castor sugar ¼ lemon, sliced 2 sprigs fresh mint 500ml Nederburg Winemaster’s Reserve...